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We would love to welcome you to CBPS. Check out what we offer! We welcome overseas and UK members.
The subscription year runs from 1st January to 31st December. As a bonus, those joining from 1st October to 31st December will be a member for the rest of the year and for all of the following year.
The Subscription rates are:
- UK Residents: Individual membership £24.00 (Membership gives you voting rights and access to members events, including the AGM, as well as single copies of the quarterly Newsletter and annual Calendar)
- Joint membership £26.00 (2 adults at same address, giving both voting rights and access to members events including the AGM. Single copy only of Newsletter, Calendar and publications)
- EU Residents: Individual membership £30.00*
- Rest of World: Individual membership £36.00*
* Payment in £ sterling only please
Payment may be made by cheque or using on-line banking (from your bank to the Society).
Please complete the information below and press SEND to email it to us. We will then email you details of how to pay.
CBPS membership is open to adults aged 16 or over who have an interest in Chinese Brush Painting and who pay the annual subscription.
Click to read our Data Protection Policy.
Gift Membership is also available.